Today's post is supposed to be about Conferring during the Workshop Model. I thought I would let you know what tech tools might be used during Reading and Writing Workshop.
Student Response
Why you should integrate technology:
- Interactive
- Increased participation
- Increased engagement
- Increased reflection
- Immediate feedback
- Useful data to drive instruction
Everyone loves Kahoot (@GetKahoot) because it feels like being on a game show. They continue to make improvements to their site, like Ghost Mode. This is when students play again to beat their previous score and get immediate feeback.

My favorite is Socrative (Sa krat ive) (@Socrative). You get more options with Socrative, multiple choice, true/false and short answer. You even have a team competition option called Space Race. They recently announced a PRO version with lots more features and analytics. I like it because there is a teacher and student app for iOS.
A list of a few different options to consider from Richard Byrne - FreeTech4Teachers for student response systems.
Reader's Response
Why you should integrate technology:
- Teacher access
- Student access
- Dialogue
- Photos
- Archivable
- Sharable
- Explain thinking
- Sense of audience
Digital Tools to Consider for Blogging:
Seesaw (@Seesaw) is a little over a year old and was launched as a digital portfolio system. They have added a blogging feature that is easy to use. There is an iOS app available for Seesaw.
Weebly (@weebly) is another great option for blogging. You get 40 free accounts for students and there is no Terms of Use restriction for students under age 13. Weebly has an iOS app.
Please see this chart from Richard Byrne - FreeTech4Teachers on more info on blogging platforms.
It is getting late. I want to post before midnight and have more to write about tomorrow. I will write post 2 tomorrow with suggestions for
Annotating Text.
Stay Tuned-
Here is the link for the 2nd part of this series
Tech Tools for Reading/Writing Workshop 2 of 2
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