Sunday, March 20, 2022

Life Gets in the Way

 I haven't written in 4 days! 

I don't consider myself a good writer, to begin with. I never did well in English class when I was in elementary school. I started a blog in 2013 to share all the cool things we were doing with technology integration as coaches. I blogged when there was something to say, or when I finished a big project. It was a good way to reflect and put a bow on the coaching cycle. When my colleague Michelle Brezek over at Hello Good Good Life reminded me about Slice of Life (as she does every year) I decided I needed to start writing again. I blogged for 16 days in a row! I feel really good about that. 

Then life got in the way! In a good way, though! 

My son is currently serving our country in the US Army. He was home on leave for 6 days. This may not seem like a big deal and probably wouldn't have been at another time in recent history. But he is going to be going to Eastern Europe for a year to support US/NATO efforts and the Ukrainian refugees/ 

We spent the last 4 days seeing friends and family, going out for meals, running errands, and taking care of all the loose ends before he leaves. I need some more time off just to recover. LOL! It was great to spend time with him and the ones we love. I don't do that enough! I really tried to be in the moment and enjoy what was going on around me.

He leaves in a few weeks. They can't tell you when they are leaving because even they don't know when. I don't know exactly where he is going. Although I'm told some of this information can be found online if you know where to look. Once he gets there he can send us his address, so we can send cards and letters. 

Whatever you believe in - Please send positive intentions to all our servicemen and servicewomen around the world! 

Hopefully, I can get back on track and finish the next 10 days!


  1. Sending positive intentions to your son and all of our service people around the world. We so appreciate his service - Go Army!

  2. Please thank your son for his service. I can only imagine what this time has been like for you. I continue to pray for peace throughout the whole world, but particularly for the current situation in Ukraine. Thank you for sharing.

  3. You have a very reason for missing a few days. Thank you to your son for his service, and I pray for protection for him and all other service members and peace for the conflict in Ukraine! God bless!

  4. That is a great reason to take a break. When I first began slicing I was obsessed and then when life got in my way, I was angry that I didn't keep my 'streak.' I have since adjusted my thinking and am happy to contribute what I can. For me reality is not never ending streaks. Where does it end? I do what I can and that has to be enough. So much of our lives are spent comparing ourselves to unrealistic standards. I am choosing to be enough. Thanks for slicing.
