Friday, July 1, 2016

BigTime Blogging Challenge 2016 Day 1 - Farley's Currently

I'm so excited to be participating in the BigTime Blogging Challenge for 2016. Thanks to +MIchelle Brezek for the inspiration to write every day. I hope that I can do it for all 31 days. I have never been much of a writer, but it is import for teacher to practice their craft if they are going to encourage students to do it and in my case other teachers. Reflection is so important, as well. Ok, here we go! 

We are doing Farley's Currently format for our first post. An ode to one of Michelle's favorite bloggers. I am going to share what I am currently listening, loving, thinking, wanting, needing, and hoping.

Listening to the rain delay for the Chicago Cubs v New York Mets game. That's why I decided to blog now instead of later after the game. I am a huge Cubs fan. I am so excited about how they are playing this year. I really enjoy sitting down and watching the games this year. They are so fun to watch. I think they will go deep into the play-offs. No one is saying anything more than that because we don't want to jinx it.

Loving being home! I have been on the road presenting at ed tech conference 12 out of the last 19 days in days in June. Home is where the heart is and where my kids are. Even though they are older I missed them a lot. It takes a lot of restraint not to buy them countless souvenirs when I am traveling. My garden is my sanctuary. I have spent the last 4 years putting it together and it is finally the way I want it! I like to sit out there to read and listen to music and relax. I often fall asleep while reading on my patio. 

Thinking about my Aunt Lu and the impact that she had on the lives of the people around her. She passed away earlier this month. Today was the memorial service. It was a reminder of how we all touch peoples lives in countless ways that we do not even realize. When I was in Brighton, England on an exchange program through Illinois State University during my junior year of college she sent me a card once a week with $5 in it. I knew that no matter what, I could count on a little extra spending money each week while I was there. She was an amazing woman who raised 6 kids on her own after my uncle passed away suddenly in 1977. 

Wanting to get more organized this summer. I made a huge dent earlier this month by taking a whole car load of things to Goodwill. I need to make one more pass through the house and then get my self on Pinterest and to The Container Store. 

Needing to get more exercise on a regular basis. I feel so good when I do. I just need to get in the habit again. The Sworkit app has helped to get me started, especially when I don't want to go to the gym. If you haven't tried it, you should. 

Hoping people will get engaged in the political process and tell their state and federal representatives to work for stricter gun laws and better mental health care. It is not about the Second Amendment people! It is about money! Anybody that thinks differently is delusional. Praying after a tragedy isn't working to prevent the next one. Be proactive - engage with your lawmakers! Also there is no way that Thomas Jefferson and company could have foreseen assault rifles that are designed to fire dozens of rounds in seconds. Watch this video. 

I have lots of reflecting to do about all of the presentations that I did, people I met and things that I learned over the last 3 weeks. Stay tuned for more!


  1. I just saw Swork it on Shark Tank! No kidding! Love your post!

  2. I am really looking forward to reading each one of your posts! You are inspiring!
